CASSANDRA: Reader on capital > race > sex > LOGIC
Title: Reader on capital > race > sex > LOGIC
Editor: Kandis Williams
Publisher: Cassandra Press
Publication Year: 2017
“Selective Exposure Theory,” Wikiwand, 2017.
David Harvey, “The Art of Rent: Globalization, Monopoly and the Commodification of Culture,” Socialist Register 38 (2002).
Nick Land, “Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest: A Polemical Introduction to the Configuration of Philosophy and Modernity,” Third Text 2, no. 5 (1988).
Paula Chakravartty and Denise Ferreira Silva, “Accumulation, Dispossession, and Debt: The Racial Logic of Global Capitalism—an Introduction,” American Quarterly 64, no. 3 (2012).
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