A War of Eyes: and Other Stories
Title: A War of Eyes: and Other Stories
Author: Wanda Coleman
Publisher: Black Sparrow Press
Publication Year: 1988
ISBN: 0876857357
In this extraordinary collection of short stories, Wanda Coleman, a poet who grew up in the Watts area of Los Angeles, turns an eye on lives that “mainstream” America wishes would somehow go away. She chronicles the not-so-quiet desperation of the poor and black urban dweller and gives voice to their unending struggle to keep afloat in a hard-scrabble environment circumscribed by racism and poverty.
With surgical precision, she cuts through the many-layered myths and mysteries that make up the American Dream and lays open the lives of the underclass. She plunges in deeply and plucks from this subterranean stream a record of pain and the humor and grace necessary for survival. This collection includes such stories as "The Friday night shift at the Taco House blues (wah-wah)," "Fat Lena," "Chuck and the boss man's wife," and "Buying primo time"
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